Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sept./Oct. Alumnae newsletter

Today you should have received a message from ZTA containing your link to the newest alumnae newsletter. If not let me know and I'll make sure you get it. All officers should be receiving this email notification if your officer lists are current (which they are!!)

Convention 2010

Start planning now for Convention 2010 in New Orleans, La., July 7-11. Keep an eye on the ZTA website for more details as they come available. It is important for alumnae chapters to send at least one voting delegate, so start planning now. Funds can be raised from the membership to help offset costs, which will run approximately $1,000 including airfare, all meals and lodging for the length of Convention. Remember, any funds raised from non-Zetas should be part of your ZTAF donation!

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