Thursday, February 26, 2009

National Panhellenic Conference Badge Day March 2

Keep your fraternal experience close to your heart and show your pride in being a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. Wear your ZTA badge on Monday, March 2.

'Tis the season for Zeta Day!

It has been a long winter, but spring is on its way, and so are our three District 15B Zeta Days! Here's what we have planned, so make sure to join us!
  • Minnesota--April 4: Local Komen affiliate spokeswoman Denise Blumberg-Tendle will speak at this "Be a Survivor!" Luncheon. I also look forward to visiting, so I'm hopeing for some spring-like temperatures in the Twin Cities!
  • Winnipeg--April 18: It's all about "Sisterhood and Service" for our Canadian sisters, as they join together and support Osbourne house, a local shelter for abused women and children.
  • Tri-State (WI, IA, IL)--April 18: I am off to Chicago to help my midwest sisters discover "Who Stole the Crown?" We welcome special national guest Julia Hill, former national president and current National Housing Corporation president. Register online at

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Zeta is Warming up in Wisconsin for 2009!

Our "Get Back to Zeta!" campaign in Wisconsin is off to a great start, with 47 alumnae across the state responding and ready to reconnect with other Zetas in their area!

My hope is that now these women will start networking and socializing with one another, with the eventual result being the revitalization of our alumnae chapters in the state! I am so excited to see what 2009 brings!

Spread the word, and encourage your Wisconsin sisters to visit the "Get Back to Zeta!" link on the right for more info! Meanwhile, look for more updates from me via email and on this blog, and I hope to see many of my Wisconsin sisters at Zeta Day coming up on April 18 (see previous blog for more info.) Registration details will be available soon!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year! January 2009 Update

I don't know about all of you, but it has been a pretty tough transition from the holidays back to "real life!" As you may have seen on the news, we had over 2 feet of snow over Christmas/New Year's, and now we are in the big melt, so experiencing record flooding. This is all very unusual for our part of the country, but added to our excitement during the holidays!

Now, it's back to Zeta, and I have some updates to share with you all!

First, check out the national website (see link to right) to see our own Cynthia Courtney in the Zetas with Zest section under "In the News" on the home page! What a beautiful picture of Cynthia, and what a great Zeta to have in our District! Remember, Zetas with Zest and Zeta Date are all electronic now, and changed often, so keep submitting those great updates and photos of our 15B chapters!

Hopefully, we will have some great 15B news in the next issue of Themis, thanks to our timely submission of our annual Themis reports. If you have additions, or if (gasp!) you still need to submit your chapter report, please do so by January 15. Remember, timely reporting is part of the Crown Chapter criteria, so thanks for meeting all those deadlines so we can celebrate success once again in New Orleans next year!

By now you should have received your chapter's copy of the new Guide for Alumnae (yippee!!) Chapter presidents, be sure to share with your EC. Use this as your "go to first" place for answers, ideas and training. Copy appropriate sections for inclusion in officer notebooks (ie Guide to Alumnae Finances, Guide to Alumnae Recruitment). This is a GREAT resource, so be sure to keep it handy and use it!

Congratulations to the Fraternity for exceeding our goal of collecting 300,000 pink Yoplait lids. As you will see on the website, the number went up even after the picture was taken, with a final number of 311,617!! This translates to over $31,000 being given back to local Komen affiliates, and over $15,000 given back to the ZTAF!

I need current chapter pictures to share with VPA Diane Keegan as she prepares for her next National Council meeting in February. Pick out two or three of the best pictures that show members of your chapter participating in activities and sharing sisterhood, and please send them to me by the end of January!

Finally, keep recruiting those new members, and keep building relationships with the Zetas in your chapter! I'm looking forward to all the Zeta Days in our District, and can't wait to see what 2009 holds in store for District 15B!
ZLAM, Lisa